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How Good Could a $25 Pedal Be- AZOR Chorus Pedal

You get what you pay for when it comes to equipment, right? Save your money and spring for the more expensive pedals and you’ll be happier in the long run.

But what if you don’t know if you like the effect in the first place, and you’re not convinced you even need that kind of pedal? You think you want the effect, but you’re not sure if it’s worth the coin. Sure, you can go spend a bunch of time at your local music shop, trying their wide selection of options, but everything sounds different when you get home. If only there was a reliable choice that can get you through the night.

Enter the AZOR-brand of tiny, cheap pedals.

I’d been listening to a lot of Type-O Negative and convinced myself that I could use a chorus pedal. But which one? My search brought up this bitty green stomp box, and I decided to give it a go. At the worst, I was out $25 bucks, and at the best I could feel a little bit like a seven foot vampire.

The AZOR Chorus is a simple little guy in an aluminum-alloy shell, making it feel hardy and strong right out of the box. If something fails, it won’t be a cracked plastic shell. All the knobs and the stomp button feel solid as well. The pedal controls are simple, with two small knobs controlling Level and Depth, and a larger center knob for Rate, which lights with a blue glow when the pedal is engaged. Twisting and turning these knobs gives the user a decent range of choral options from a pure chorus to a more fantastic trilling. For $25 bucks you shouldn’t expect every chorus tone under Peter Steele’s cold September Sun but, combined with a good Overdrive, the shimmer shines through with a evil affect. And without an Overdrive the chorus still shines through.

If you’re unsure if chorus should be part of your sound, or just strapped for cash, check out the AZOR Chorus. This is a $25 pedal that is more than worth it. I might grab their Phaser or Delay next.

Since it’s hard to describe what a pedal sounds like and we’re not doing a full channel video on it, check out the link below for a quick sound test of a few of the tones you can get out of the AZOR.

Doug Robertson is the editor of The Bass Blog, the blog component of The Bass Channel, your one stop YouTube channel for all things bass. His number one is a Mexican Geddy Lee Signature Jazz and his boomer is a BEAD tuned T-Bird. Find books by Doug here. If you’re interested in contributing to The Bass Blog please reach out to Doug at We would love to hear from you.